If you’re working with new clients in Bokio, it’s a great opportunity to create a process that works for both of you. We have designed Bokio as a collaborative tool, where people can work together easily to get accounting done.
Bank feeds are the best way to get transactions into Bokio. Encourage your clients to set one up and bank transactions will be imported several times a day.
Recording bank transactions is simple, and can be done by either you or your clients. You can record multiple transactions at once, filter by type, and automatically match duplicates to manually recorded journal entries and invoices.
The Bokio mobile app is a great way for your clients to upload receipts on the go. They can simply take a picture of their receipt and upload it to Bokio. It can then be attached to a bank transaction, or recorded separately if they haven’t set up bank feeds.
The mobile app has more helpful features for your clients. They can view invoices and manage expenses too.
Bokio is an integrated accounting software including bookkeeping, invoicing and expenses. Not only will you get all the information you need in one place, but your clients also have great tools to help them run their business.
Encourage your clients to use Bokio to manage invoicing and expenses. All invoices and expense claims can easily be recorded with their accounting, so you won’t have to switch between software or manually upload different materials.
In the Uploads section, you can use Additional files to add extra materials. You can upload files that aren’t related to a journal entry or invoice, like bank statements, customer statements and other relevant files.
If any of these are important for your client’s business, encourage them to upload them there so they are easy for you to access.
Bokio has several automated reports which can be really useful to clients if they’re understood correctly. Share your expertise and go through the reports with them, and encourage them to check in regularly.
When they see the benefits of automated reporting, it can be a good incentive for them to take the time to get all the right information into Bokio.
Our smart templates make it easy to record transactions. There’s a step-by-step process and intuitive design that makes Bokio simple to use. You have the choice whether you or your clients do their day-to-day bookkeeping.
There are lots of benefits to your client handling their own bookkeeping. You will have more time to focus on bigger tasks, and will also have an accurate view of their finances. This enables you to offer high value advisory services that can really benefit their business.
When your client is hands on with their accounting, they also gain a better understanding of their finances too. This can be an important tool to help them make the right decisions to grow their business.
Whether you or your client does the bookkeeping, it’s important to encourage them to get into a good routine of uploading material.
An ideal situation would be clients uploading receipts and supplier invoices as they receive them, and consistently using invoicing and expenses.
How this works in practice could vary by client. You can work with them to find a frequency that suits both your needs. Whether this is uploading information on an ongoing basis, or having a monthly deadline for uploads that they set time aside for, you can agree on a process that works for you.